Huffington and Camejo to drop out of race?
(too old to reply)
Nicholas Byram
2003-10-01 01:16:04 UTC
ABC News is reporting that recall candidates Arianna Huffington
("Independent"--yeah right) and Peter Camejo ("Green" = Watermelon) may drop
out of the race by Friday in order to help Demunist Crud Bustamante. They
want to try to throw their support to Bustamante to resuscitate the failing
campaign of Bustamante.

If this is so, we potential McClintock voters had better be careful. I had
assumed Ah-nold was a sure winner, so I could go ahead and vote for Tom

Maybe not now?

Granted, Huffingslut and Watermelon Camejo appealed to fringe voters who
might not vote for Crud Bustamante anyway. However, perhaps these voters
only were going to vote that way in order to "send a message", because they
believed what I once believed, that Schwarzenegger would win no matter what.


The Recall Gray Davis Campaign began its advertising campaign to urge a
"YES" vote on Davis and warn voters that "Cruz Bustamante is just another
shade of Gray" today. The goal is to stay on the air until Tuesday -
Election Day. With the news that Huffington and Camejo might try to help
throw more votes to Crud it is especially important that they stay on TV
through next Tuesday and that we expand into more television markets in the
state and also on more broadcast networks (our TV buy today is primarily on
CNN, Fox News Channel, MSNBC and CNBC).

If you have any money to spare (I know, given what the Commeicrats have done
to California, not likely, but pleaswe trya anyway), please contribute to
the TV ad campaign to stop Gray Davis and Cruz Bustamante.

Friday is the final day for them to put in orders for TV advertising time.
So let's see if we can do it. Find just 1,000 Californians willing to spend
$200 to ensure that Gray Davis is indeed recalled and also ensure that Cruz
Bustamante is NOT his replacement.

Can you help get to the goal of 1,000 people at $200? If so click the link
below to contribute online right now:


Or mail your contribution (right away! They MUST have it by Friday to place
the final ads in our TV Ad blitz).

Send the final contributions to the TV ad campaign (this is it - now or
never) via U.S. Mail or Fed Ex/UPS Overnight to:

Recall Gray Davis Committee
770 L Street
Suite #950
Sacramento, CA 95814

PHONE: (916) 441-6197

[I know a lot can't afford $200. I could only afford $50. But we all can
still help raise the final $200,000 needed by Friday by sending in any size
contribution including $5, $10, $25, $50, $100 or $150. Your help is
extremely important.

The recall has been an uphill battle against all odds. Even given Davis'
massive unpopularity, this sort of thing has only happened twice in
California history, and once in the last 90 odd years. It would be a bitter
irony indeed for the recall to get this far, only to end up with Crud
Bustamante in office.

Nick Byram (***@hotmail.com)

"If a right-winger says the earth is round, is one supposed to disagree? One
doesn't decide the truth of an idea according to whether it is left- or
right-wing, and even less by what the left or right wing decides to make of
it....In fact, if the truth seemed to me to be with the right wing, I would
go along with it." -- Albert Camus
George Grapman
2003-10-01 02:52:51 UTC
Poor Byrum, so devoid of intellect , facts and ideas that he can only
uncleverly repeatedly give us , juvenile misspellings of names and

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Nicholas Byram
2003-10-01 03:27:42 UTC
Post by George Grapman
Poor Byrum, so devoid of intellect , facts and ideas that he can only
uncleverly repeatedly give us , juvenile misspellings of names and
Mealy mouthed George, can't admit what is going on. Talk about being devoid
of facts.

Go go to the bathhouse and console yourself, George.

Nick Byram (***@hotmail.com)

"If a right-winger says the earth is round, is one supposed to disagree? One
doesn't decide the truth of an idea according to whether it is left- or
right-wing, and even less by what the left or right wing decides to make of
it....In fact, if the truth seemed to me to be with the right wing, I would
go along with it." -- Albert Camus
George Grapman
2003-10-01 04:11:21 UTC
Post by Nicholas Byram
Post by George Grapman
Poor Byrum, so devoid of intellect , facts and ideas that he can only
uncleverly repeatedly give us , juvenile misspellings of names and
Mealy mouthed George, can't admit what is going on. Talk about being devoid
of facts.
Go go to the bathhouse and console yourself, George.
Thank you for, again, proving my point.

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The Pervert
2003-10-01 16:05:00 UTC
Post by Nicholas Byram
Post by George Grapman
Poor Byrum, so devoid of intellect , facts and ideas that he can only
uncleverly repeatedly give us , juvenile misspellings of names and
Mealy mouthed George, can't admit what is going on. Talk about being devoid
of facts.
Go go to the bathhouse and console yourself, George.
While George is surely a knee-jerk
anti-anything-but-democrat-regardless-of-facts-and reason, he does have a
valid point about the misspelled names. Keep to the facts and present a
reasonable argument (which isn't all that difficult) and you'll shred him.
Continue with the juvenile writing style and he makes *you* look the fool.

So, what do you really want to do? Wreck his lame position? Or look like a
George Grapman
2003-10-01 16:08:00 UTC
Post by The Pervert
While George is surely a knee-jerk
anti-anything-but-democrat-regardless-of-facts-and reason, he does have a
valid point about the misspelled names. Keep to the facts and present a
reasonable argument (which isn't all that difficult) and you'll shred him.
Continue with the juvenile writing style and he makes *you* look the fool.
So knee-jerk that I did not vote for Davis or Gore.
Post by The Pervert
So, what do you really want to do? Wreck his lame position? Or look like a
The immature name calling and misspelling crosses all boundaries. We all have
a fair number of dolts on our sides.
Post by The Pervert
Post by Nicholas Byram
Post by George Grapman
Poor Byrum, so devoid of intellect , facts and ideas that he can only
uncleverly repeatedly give us , juvenile misspellings of names and
Mealy mouthed George, can't admit what is going on. Talk about being
Post by Nicholas Byram
of facts.
Go go to the bathhouse and console yourself, George.
While George is surely a knee-jerk
anti-anything-but-democrat-regardless-of-facts-and reason, he does have a
valid point about the misspelled names. Keep to the facts and present a
reasonable argument (which isn't all that difficult) and you'll shred him.
Continue with the juvenile writing style and he makes *you* look the fool.
So, what do you really want to do? Wreck his lame position? Or look like a
To reply via e-mail please delete "NOSPAM" from address.
The Pervert
2003-10-02 00:58:54 UTC
Post by George Grapman
Post by The Pervert
While George is surely a knee-jerk
anti-anything-but-democrat-regardless-of-facts-and reason, he does have a
valid point about the misspelled names. Keep to the facts and present a
reasonable argument (which isn't all that difficult) and you'll shred him.
Continue with the juvenile writing style and he makes *you* look the fool.
So knee-jerk that I did not vote for Davis or Gore.
Nor did I vote for Mr. Bush. I admit to voting for Mr. Davis the first
time, and Mr. Simon (knowing it was a losing vote) last year.

Perhaps I should revise that to read

Better? More accurate?

See? I'm flexible, and even willing to adjust when appropriate.
Post by George Grapman
Post by The Pervert
So, what do you really want to do? Wreck his lame position? Or look like a
The immature name calling and misspelling crosses all boundaries.
I'm not so sure it crosses *all* boundries. That sounds a bit more dramatic
than realistic. But I will agree that it is immature and compromises
Post by George Grapman
We all have a fair number of dolts on our sides.
No argument from me on that item. See, George? Even WE can find some areas
of agreement!

Alert the media.
Nicholas Byram
2003-10-01 17:47:03 UTC
Post by The Pervert
While George is surely a knee-jerk
anti-anything-but-democrat-regardless-of-facts-and reason, he does have a
valid point about the misspelled names. Keep to the facts and present a
reasonable argument (which isn't all that difficult) and you'll shred him.
Continue with the juvenile writing style and he makes *you* look the fool.
So, what do you really want to do? Wreck his lame position? Or look like a
I am sorry if I am a bit blunt for your tastes, maybe I do fly off the
proverbial handle, but the facts are what they are.

Okay, to summarize the facts:

--Huffington has dropped out and Camejo may,
--They will throw their support, paltry as it is, to Bustamante, who is
simply "another shade of Gray", so to speak, and
--Given the Schwarzenegger / McClintock fight, this may mean big trouble for
the recall effort, if Bustamante manages to squeak ahead with the additional
--Please donate to a drive for attack ads on Bustamante, so when it becomes
apparent how much like Davis (or even worse than Davis) he is, the
infighting between Schwarzenegger and McClintock won't matter.

Now did George dispute any of these facts? No, he just whined. So I took
potshots at him.

Nick Byram (***@hotmail.com)

"If a right-winger says the earth is round, is one supposed to disagree? One
doesn't decide the truth of an idea according to whether it is left- or
right-wing, and even less by what the left or right wing decides to make of
it....In fact, if the truth seemed to me to be with the right wing, I would
go along with it." -- Albert Camus
George Grapman
2003-10-01 19:34:18 UTC
Post by Nicholas Byram
I am sorry if I am a bit blunt for your tastes, maybe I do fly off the
proverbial handle, but the facts are what they are.
--Huffington has dropped out and Camejo may,
--They will throw their support, paltry as it is, to Bustamante, who is
simply "another shade of Gray", so to speak, and
--Given the Schwarzenegger / McClintock fight, this may mean big trouble for
the recall effort, if Bustamante manages to squeak ahead with the additional
--Please donate to a drive for attack ads on Bustamante, so when it becomes
apparent how much like Davis (or even worse than Davis) he is, the
infighting between Schwarzenegger and McClintock won't matter.
Now did George dispute any of these facts? No, he just whined. So I took
potshots at him.
No, my complaint was you juvenile misspelling and name calling. You will get
more attention will well thought out literate posts such as the one above.

To reply via e-mail please delete "NOSPAM" from address.
The Pervert
2003-10-02 01:05:58 UTC
Post by Nicholas Byram
Post by The Pervert
While George is surely a knee-jerk
anti-anything-but-democrat-regardless-of-facts-and reason, he does have a
valid point about the misspelled names. Keep to the facts and present a
reasonable argument (which isn't all that difficult) and you'll shred him.
Continue with the juvenile writing style and he makes *you* look the fool.
So, what do you really want to do? Wreck his lame position? Or look
Post by Nicholas Byram
Post by The Pervert
I am sorry if I am a bit blunt for your tastes, maybe I do fly off the
proverbial handle, but the facts are what they are.
Then let the facts speak for themselves. Facts, and truth, need no
embelishment. Needlessly "blunt" and abrasive does little to change an
attitude or encourage communication. See the exchange between George and
myself. Not much, perhaps, but less histrionic and an honest exchaneg of
ideas. From such humble beginnibngs can come real, honest communications.
From silly name calling comes only more silly name calling. The question,
then, is what do you really want to accomplish?
Post by Nicholas Byram
--Huffington has dropped out and Camejo may,
--They will throw their support, paltry as it is, to Bustamante, who is
simply "another shade of Gray", so to speak, and
--Given the Schwarzenegger / McClintock fight, this may mean big trouble for
the recall effort, if Bustamante manages to squeak ahead with the additional
--Please donate to a drive for attack ads on Bustamante, so when it becomes
apparent how much like Davis (or even worse than Davis) he is, the
infighting between Schwarzenegger and McClintock won't matter.
Now did George dispute any of these facts? No, he just whined. So I took
potshots at him.
Did the potshots accomplish anything but make you look foolish?

Don't get me wrong. I'm all for taking a cheap shot at a stupid person that
is so stupid that he doesn't even realize how dumb he sounds.

George is more often just completely wrong. Such is his right.

2003-10-01 03:34:14 UTC
These 2 are so irrelevant it isnt funny. Arianna is so abrasive I cant
imagine anyone voting for her, and mr. green, well lets just raise the red
flag if he becomes governor. Its not gonna happen. Of course, they do suck
a small vote % away from busta and greyout..

Post by Nicholas Byram
ABC News is reporting that recall candidates Arianna Huffington
("Independent"--yeah right) and Peter Camejo ("Green" = Watermelon) may drop
out of the race by Friday in order to help Demunist Crud Bustamante. They
want to try to throw their support to Bustamante to resuscitate the failing
campaign of Bustamante.
If this is so, we potential McClintock voters had better be careful. I had
assumed Ah-nold was a sure winner, so I could go ahead and vote for Tom
Maybe not now?
Granted, Huffingslut and Watermelon Camejo appealed to fringe voters who
might not vote for Crud Bustamante anyway. However, perhaps these voters
only were going to vote that way in order to "send a message", because they
believed what I once believed, that Schwarzenegger would win no matter what.
The Recall Gray Davis Campaign began its advertising campaign to urge a
"YES" vote on Davis and warn voters that "Cruz Bustamante is just another
shade of Gray" today. The goal is to stay on the air until Tuesday -
Election Day. With the news that Huffington and Camejo might try to help
throw more votes to Crud it is especially important that they stay on TV
through next Tuesday and that we expand into more television markets in the
state and also on more broadcast networks (our TV buy today is primarily on
CNN, Fox News Channel, MSNBC and CNBC).
If you have any money to spare (I know, given what the Commeicrats have done
to California, not likely, but pleaswe trya anyway), please contribute to
the TV ad campaign to stop Gray Davis and Cruz Bustamante.
Friday is the final day for them to put in orders for TV advertising time.
So let's see if we can do it. Find just 1,000 Californians willing to spend
$200 to ensure that Gray Davis is indeed recalled and also ensure that Cruz
Bustamante is NOT his replacement.
Can you help get to the goal of 1,000 people at $200? If so click the link
Or mail your contribution (right away! They MUST have it by Friday to place
the final ads in our TV Ad blitz).
Send the final contributions to the TV ad campaign (this is it - now or
Recall Gray Davis Committee
770 L Street
Suite #950
Sacramento, CA 95814
PHONE: (916) 441-6197
[I know a lot can't afford $200. I could only afford $50. But we all can
still help raise the final $200,000 needed by Friday by sending in any size
contribution including $5, $10, $25, $50, $100 or $150. Your help is
extremely important.
The recall has been an uphill battle against all odds. Even given Davis'
massive unpopularity, this sort of thing has only happened twice in
California history, and once in the last 90 odd years. It would be a bitter
irony indeed for the recall to get this far, only to end up with Crud
Bustamante in office.
"If a right-winger says the earth is round, is one supposed to disagree? One
doesn't decide the truth of an idea according to whether it is left- or
right-wing, and even less by what the left or right wing decides to make of
it....In fact, if the truth seemed to me to be with the right wing, I would
go along with it." -- Albert Camus
Nicholas Byram
2003-10-01 04:17:09 UTC
Post by Sonic
These 2 are so irrelevant it isnt funny. Arianna is so abrasive I cant
imagine anyone voting for her, and mr. green, well lets just raise the red
flag if he becomes governor. Its not gonna happen. Of course, they do suck
a small vote % away from busta and greyout..
Absolutely. However, Crud Bustamante is no less wretched, and we might as
well raise a red flag if he becomes Governor, too.

Or perhaps a red, white and green one....

Nick Byram (***@hotmail.com)
"Communists worship Satan, Socialists think that Damnation is a good system
just run by bad people, and American liberals want us to go to Hell because
it's warm there in the winter."--P.J. O'Rourke
2003-10-01 15:59:03 UTC

In the end, it will make no difference. If your state elects another la la
land leftist government, it's already totally bankrupt.

It's $40 BILLION in debt, more so than the other 49 states put together.

They've chaised away the productive businesses and people, and have no tax
base left to support all the lazy freeloaders
from Mexico and around the world who now fully expect handouts as their

So, they will simply fail, as no other US state has ever done. You would
have to look at the USSR, Cuba, East Germany as examples for what will very
quickly develop.

Given the leftist spoiled brat population, you will probably see riots in
the streets
when the wellfare checks stop arriving.
Post by Nicholas Byram
ABC News is reporting that recall candidates Arianna Huffington
("Independent"--yeah right) and Peter Camejo ("Green" = Watermelon) may drop
out of the race by Friday in order to help Demunist Crud Bustamante. They
want to try to throw their support to Bustamante to resuscitate the failing
campaign of Bustamante.
If this is so, we potential McClintock voters had better be careful. I had
assumed Ah-nold was a sure winner, so I could go ahead and vote for Tom
Maybe not now?
Granted, Huffingslut and Watermelon Camejo appealed to fringe voters who
might not vote for Crud Bustamante anyway. However, perhaps these voters
only were going to vote that way in order to "send a message", because they
believed what I once believed, that Schwarzenegger would win no matter what.
The Recall Gray Davis Campaign began its advertising campaign to urge a
"YES" vote on Davis and warn voters that "Cruz Bustamante is just another
shade of Gray" today. The goal is to stay on the air until Tuesday -
Election Day. With the news that Huffington and Camejo might try to help
throw more votes to Crud it is especially important that they stay on TV
through next Tuesday and that we expand into more television markets in the
state and also on more broadcast networks (our TV buy today is primarily on
CNN, Fox News Channel, MSNBC and CNBC).
If you have any money to spare (I know, given what the Commeicrats have done
to California, not likely, but pleaswe trya anyway), please contribute to
the TV ad campaign to stop Gray Davis and Cruz Bustamante.
Friday is the final day for them to put in orders for TV advertising time.
So let's see if we can do it. Find just 1,000 Californians willing to spend
$200 to ensure that Gray Davis is indeed recalled and also ensure that Cruz
Bustamante is NOT his replacement.
Can you help get to the goal of 1,000 people at $200? If so click the link
Or mail your contribution (right away! They MUST have it by Friday to place
the final ads in our TV Ad blitz).
Send the final contributions to the TV ad campaign (this is it - now or
Recall Gray Davis Committee
770 L Street
Suite #950
Sacramento, CA 95814
PHONE: (916) 441-6197
[I know a lot can't afford $200. I could only afford $50. But we all can
still help raise the final $200,000 needed by Friday by sending in any size
contribution including $5, $10, $25, $50, $100 or $150. Your help is
extremely important.
The recall has been an uphill battle against all odds. Even given Davis'
massive unpopularity, this sort of thing has only happened twice in
California history, and once in the last 90 odd years. It would be a bitter
irony indeed for the recall to get this far, only to end up with Crud
Bustamante in office.
"If a right-winger says the earth is round, is one supposed to disagree? One
doesn't decide the truth of an idea according to whether it is left- or
right-wing, and even less by what the left or right wing decides to make of
it....In fact, if the truth seemed to me to be with the right wing, I would
go along with it." -- Albert Camus